The Czech Olympic Committee (TOC) submitted its National Action Plan (NAP).
The Czech Olympic Committee (CZ NOC) is a partner of the Erasmus+ project “Guidance to Achieve More Equal leadership in Sport” (GAMES).
Within the GAMES’ project framework, CZ NOC has developed a National Actions Plan to promote gender equality in leadership positions which has been informed by the GAMES’ Pool of Actions, as well as from the national trends that emerged in the GAMES baseline study.
The National Actions Plan is a strategic document which includes the NOC’s objectives and relevant actions to reach set objectives whilst also addressing targeted actions for member organisations to improve gender equality in leadership positions. In other words, the National actions plan includes a roadmap for setting up concrete strategies including tangible actions and measurable timelines to improve gender equality in the leadership of the NOC whilst also including ad-hoc actions to encourage member federations of the NOC to boost gender equality in leadership and decision-making positions.
CZ NOC’s National Actions Plan focuses on increasing the proportion of women in the leading positions in the CZ NOC but also the national federations, increasing the number of women participating in the mentoring programme organized by the CZ NOC, creating opportunities for women to share their experience and support them on their ways to leading positions and establish measures and mechanisms in the internal structure of the CZ NOC to create a safe working environment and eliminate hidden obstacles for women in their paths for different roles.
Hence, CZ NOC is going to start implementing the National Actions Plan in the near future. In the meantime, CZ NOC is foreseeing organising the National Launching Event in November 2023.
Stay tuned with the progress of the project via the GAMES website and the Twitter account!