Following the successful submission of the first deliverable in May 2022, the GAMES consortium has submitted its second deliverable “Communication & Dissemination Strategy” in June 2022.
The Communication and Dissemination Strategy is a strategic document which provides the consortium with a clear and unanimous understanding of the requirement and expectations regarding the communication and dissemination activities of the project, as well as each partner’s roles and responsibilities. This document describes the target groups of the project; key messages and outlines which communication and dissemination tools and channels should be used to achieve GAMES’ objectives.
In this regard, the GAMES project has foreseen to include both online and offline means for communicating and disseminating the project results. Notwithstanding, offline means are expected to be implemented ad-hoc and with limited capacity in order to guarantee an eco-friendly approach throughout the project lifetime.
The GAMES is a 24-month project co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Sport Programme 2021. GAMES focuses to improve gender equality in the key leadership and decision-making positions of the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) by promoting structural changes in their governance, enhancing the understanding of the existing cultural barriers and encouraging the NOCs to work with their member federations to create a sustainable change.
The EOC EU Office is implementing GAMES together with 8 NOCs (Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, North Macedonia and Turkey) and renowned experts in the field of gender equality and good governance, including Professor Emerita Kari Fasting from Equal Rights in Sport and I TRUST Sport. Furthermore, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) will also act as a key player in terms of promoting and disseminating the project deliverables across all NOCs worldwide.